Conveying technology

Modern, fully automatic plants for the conveyance and storage of grain which do justice to the high-quality material grain. The robust conveyors by Buschhoff all have one thing in common: they guarantee the reliable, safe and gentle transport of very component

Storage technology

Storage technology by Buschhoff stands for unconditional safety and durability weather as round silos, modular silos, storage cells or flexible silos.

Tubular screw conveyors type BVS

The Buschhoff tubular screw conveyors and trough augers are highly robust, efficient, and can be applied flexibly as deemed necessary for the required purpose.
All our augers are manufactured in-house and are suited for the conveyance of grain and bruised grain.
Many different auger designs are available to achieve the best combination of conveying performance and conveyed materials.

Thus we offer tubular screw conveyors type BVS with different revolutions, different angles of inclination, and optionally with special reinforced core for the feeding of mills. Depending on size and details of installation these BVS augers provide a conveying performance up to 100 t / h.

Technical data

Typ BVS 100 100 G 120 150 200 G 250 G 300 G
Förderleistung 750 kg/m³ (t/h) 18,0 18,0 24,0 35,0 50,0 75,0 100,0
Förderleistung 620 kg/m³ (t/h) 10,8 10,8 14,4 21,0 30,0 45,0 60,0
Antriebsart Keilriemen Getriebemotor Keilriemen Getriebemotor
maximale Länge (m) 9,7 9,7 9,7 10,0 12,2 12,0 12,5
Oberfläche verzinkt feuerverzinkt
Verbindungsart Verbindungsmuffen Flanschverbindung
Auslaufdurchmesser (mm) 150 200 250 300

Technical data BVS 100 - BVS 150 G

Typ BVS 100 120 100 G 150 G
Förderleistung 750 kg/m³ (t/h) 18,0 24,0 18,0 35,0
Förderleistung 620 kg/m³ (t/h) 10,8 14,4 10,8 21,0
Antriebsart Keilriemen Getriebemotor
maximale Länge (m) 9,7 10,0
Oberfläche verzinkt
Verbindungsart Verbindungsmuffen
Auslauf-Ø (mm) 150

Technical data BVS 200 G - BVS 300 G

Typ BVS 200 G 250 G 300 G
Förderleistung 750 kg/m³ (t/h) 50,0 75,0 100,0
Förderleistung 620 kg/m³ (t/h) 30,0 45,0 60,0
Antriebsart Getriebemotor
maximale Länge (m) 12,2
Oberfläche feuerverzinkt
Verbindungsart Muffen Flanschverbindung
Auslauf-Ø (mm) 200 250 300

Trough auger type BTS

The Buschhoff tubular screw conveyors and trough augers are highly robust, efficient, and can be applied flexibly as deemed necessary for the required purpose.
All our augers are manufactured in-house and are suited for the conveyance of grain and bruised grain.
Many different auger designs are available to achieve the best combination of conveying performance and conveyed materials.

The trough augers type BTS convey bulk material horizontal or with a slight upward inclination. Their slow speed enables a very gentle conveyance
These augers are suitable for distances of up to 20 m.

Technical data

Typ BTS 150 G 200 G 300 G
Förderleistung 750 kg/m³ (t/h) 20,0 40,0 60,0
Förderleistung 620 kg/m³ (t/h) 14,0 28,0 42,0
Antriebsart Getriebemotor
maximale Länge (m) 20
Oberfläche verzinkt
Verbindungsart Flanschverbindung mit Zwischenlagern
Auslaufdurchmesser (mm) 150 200 250

Conveying spirals type BFS

Die Buschhoff Förderspiralen sind äußerst robust, leistungsstark und lassen sich je nach gewünschtem Zweck sehr flexibel einsetzen.

Many different auger designs are available to achieve the best combination of conveying performance and conveyed materials.

Die Förderspiralen vom Typ BFS fördern Schüttgüter waagerecht, in Steigungen bis 75°, sowie um Kurven. Their slow speed enables a very gentle conveyance
Förderspiralen lassen sich bis zu einer Länge von 46 m (BFS 90) bzw. 24 m (BFS 125) einsetzen.

Technical data

Typ BFS 90 125
Förderleistung 750 kg/m³ (t/h) 3,0 5,6
Förderleistung 620 kg/m³ (t/h) 2,4 4,5
Antriebsart Getriebemotor
maximale Länge (m) 46,0 24,0
Oberfläche Antriebskopf verzinkt, Rohre wahlweise Kunststoff oder verzinkte Stahlrohre
Verbindungsart Muffen
Auslaufdurchmesser (mm) 150

Elevators type BBE / BKE

Elevators of the BE series feature a round shaft, which in comparison with the square variant displays a significantly better inherent stability and solidity. Like all Buschhoff elevators for outdoor use these are made fromhot-dip galvanised material to better withstand the outdoor exposure. Heads and legs are completely welded, making them perfectly suited for outdoor use.
These round shaft bucket elevators are initially offered in the 20 bis 150 t/h performance range. We also offer rectangular elevators for indoor use.

Die Buschhoff chain elevators type BKE are used for grain, bruised grain, and other free-flowing bulk materials. They are suited for vertical and inclined conveyance, and for granulate materials, too.
The chain elevator’s moving parts are the precision chain and fabric-reinforced drivers. This variant of Buschhoff conveyance machinery excels by compact design and a multitude of applications.

Technical data BBE

Typ BBE 40 60 80 100 120 150
Förderleistung 750 kg/m³ (t/h) 40 60 80 100 120 150
Förderleistung 620 kg/m³ (t/h) 28 42 56 70 84 105
Antriebsart Getriebemotor
maximale Höhe (m) 40
Oberfläche feuerverzinkt
Verbindungsart Flanschverbindung
Auslauf-Ø (mm) 200 250 300

Technical data BKE

Typ BKE 180 360
Förderleistung 750 kg/m³ (t/h) 20 40
Förderleistung 620 kg/m³ (t/h) 12,6 25,2
Antriebsart Getriebemotor
maximale Höhe (m) 26 26
Oberfläche verzinkt
Verbindungsart Flanschverbindung
Auslaufdurchmesser (mm) 150 200

(Intake)Trough chain conveyor type BAT/BTK

The Buschhoff trough chain conveyor is conspicuous by especially low power demand and a gentle and dust-free conveyance .
Conveying is by means of a robust special chain, which moves at the trough bottom on exchangeable wear rails while it is guided by plastic rollers on top
This results in long-lasting and low-maintenance conveyance machinery. For a more quiet running trough chain conveyors are also available with plastic bottom.
All heads and driving positions of the Buschhoff trough chain conveyors are welded and hot-dip galvanised.
This makes them ideally suited for outdoor use. The sturdy industrial design leaves nothing to be desired and is also suitable for regular use with high tonnages. We offer these trough chain conveyors with a performance range from 20 to 150 t/h. For special purposes they are available for inclined installation up to 45°.

Technical data

Typ BTK 25 40 60 80 100 120 150
Förderleistung 750 kg/m³ (t/h) 20,0 40,0 60,0 80,0 100,0 120,0 150,0
Förderleistung 620 kg/m³ (t/h) 17,5 28,0 42,0 56,0 70,0 84,0 105,0
Antriebsart Getriebemotor
maximale Länge (m) 90 50
Oberfläche verzinkt
Verbindungsart Flanschverbindung
Auslaufdurchmesser (mm) 200 250 300

Technical data BTK 25 - BTK 60

Typ BTK 25 40 60
Förderleistung 750 kg/m³ (t/h) 20,0 40,0 60,0
Förderleistung 620 kg/m³ (t/h) 17,5 28,0 42,0
Antriebsart Getriebemotor
maximale Länge (m) 90
Oberfläche verzinkt
Verbindungsart Flanschverbindung
Auslaufdurchmesser (mm) 200

Technical data BTK 80 - BTK 150

Typ BTK 80 100 120 150
Förderleistung 750 kg/m³ (t/h) 80,0 100,0 120,0 150,0
Förderleistung 620 kg/m³ (t/h) 56,0 70,0 84,0 105,0
Antriebsart Getriebemotor
maximale Länge (m) 50
Oberfläche verzinkt
Verbindungsart Flanschverbindung
Auslaufdurchmesser (mm) 250 300

Bruised grain blower type SG

  • Fully automatic transport of the feed from milling and mixing directly to the silo at the Livestock building
  • Pneumatic transport up to 250 m (dense phase conveying)
  • Flow rate (depends on the pipe length): SG50: 3 t/h & SG80: 8 t/h
  • Particularly hygienic – no residues remain in the pipes; purity is guaranteed
  • A powerful feeder ensures continuous introduction into the air stream
  • WIDOMIX® Control enables adjustment of conveyor output
  • Cyclone with filling line to prevent separation in the silo
Technical data

Typ SG 50 80
Förderleistung (t/h) 3 8
maximale Länge (m) 200 250
Oberfläche verzinkt feuerverzinkt
Verbindungsart Muffen Kupplungen
Rohr-Ø (mm) 50 80

Double piston pump type BKP

Buschhoff double piston pumps are predominantly used for large conveying distances and/or for feed with a high proportion of dry materials. For special dosing applications a frequency converter is also available for this pump, each individual valve can therefore be closed exactly.

  • High performance even with high dry matter feeds
  • Conveying performance ca. 200 lt. liquid feed / min
  • Conveying line distance approx. 500m
  • Operating pressure up to 10 bar (for a short time)
  • Constant discharge from the first to the last valve
  • Minimal separation in pipes
  • Energy efficient; minimal power requirements
  • Safe to run dry, low risk of foreign objects damage
  • Minimum wear and tear, maintenance friendly

Steel sheet round silos type Star Line / Top Line

Buschhoff offers a range of suitable silos for the storage of free-flowing materials (grain) and mealy components (bruised grain). Whether indoor or outdoor storage, whether with or without hopper substructure:
Storage technology by Buschhoff stands for safety and reliability.
Silo capacities range from 0,1 t to 15.000 t, and whether small or large, you get a robust and innovative product. Your requirements are of utmost priority. Individual planning leads to reliable solutions which, finally, means your success.

Our Silos are made from high-quality steel and manufactured by state-of-the-art machinery. This will pay off for you in receiving a product which is quickly and easily assembled on site and which will last for decades. The separate parts for our silos are made of zinccoated steel sheet with a 600 g/m² zinc coating. Statics and baseplate plans are within the scope of delivery.

Excerpt of our program (further sizes on request)

Ø (m) Höhe von (m) Höhe bis (m) Inhalt (t)
4,60 7,01 19,55 76,43 – 231,60
5,35 7,23 18,63 105,20 – 297,30
6,10 8,58 19,98 164,00 – 414,90
6,87 8,81 22,49 209,80 – 590,70
7,60 9,02 24,85 261,40 – 810,20
8,40 9,25 25,21 319,40 – 983,40
9,20 11,76 25,44 496,70 – 1.174,10
10,70 12,20 24,74 686,10 – 1.531,10
11,45 12,42 26,10 793,30 – 1.853,50
12,23 12,64 26,32 909,00 – 2.113,10
13,75 13,07 26,75 1.166,30 – 2.690,00
14,51 13,30 26,98 1.308,90 – 3.006,70
15,28 13,52 27,20 1.460,20 – 3.341,30
16,04 13,73 27,41 1.612,50 – 3.685,70

Equipment variants and accessories
  • Ventilation from above or from below
  • Ventilation cone
  • Vertical ladders with resting platform
  • Access hatch with watertight bulkhead
  • Intermediate platform – connection between two silos
  • Roof ladders
  • Temperature measuring gear
  • Rotation paddle indicator
  • Discharge sweep augers
  • Plastisol coating
  • Catwalk with roof bearing for catwalt and conveying gear up to 200t/h


Cleaning is an important step in the whole process of storing and treatment of grain. Contamination by dust, fungi, and bacteria is removed. An optimum cleaning result contributes substantially to quality assurance and feeding value of the grain. Sie ist daher ein wichtiger Baustein des Qualitätssicherungssystems und ist die Grundlage für die Weiterverarbeitung, die Einlagerung und den späteren Verkauf des Getreides.

We offer throughput a capacity range of 0,5 – 200 t/h:

  • cyclone wind sifters
  • screen machines
  • drum deflectors with wind sifters
  • upstream sifters

Grain Conservation and ventilation

Buschhoff offers a broad product range for the ventilation of grain in silos as well as in flat storage. Whether ventilation from above or from below: We have complete ventilation systems and suitable ventilation blowers for each kind of silo

Moreover we deliver complementary controls with humidity and temperature measuring.

Our product range for grain conservation at a glance:

  • grain dehumidifiers
  • dehumidifing silos
  • propionic acid dosing devices
  • Ventilation technology
  • cooling units, matching your grain storage

For dehumidifying we offer set, circulating batch, continuous flow, and round silo driers. The blowpipes are operated by gas or oil Distributor and stirrer in a drying silo Buschhoff Expertise in Storage and Conveyance directly or indirectly via a heat exchanger. Key for the choice of conservation is the question whether it is meant for flour milling, seeds or feed grain. Operating costs vary considerably according to the different types of conservation.

We offer the optimum solution for your business.

Warehouse storage

When grain is stored either in existing or in new warehouses, division with trapezoidal steel sheets is a cost effective solution. We offer tailor-made solutions.


  • optimum usage of space
  • simple assembly
  • transportation by fork lift
  • swivelling or lift gates

Modular- and Agrosilos

The modular silo is a well-proven solution for the interim storage of grain and other feed components in the context of a milling and mixing plant.
It is available in square and rectangular designs. The modular silo is made of plain, zinc coated steel sheet. Hoppers are available with an inclination of 45°, 60°, or 60/90°.
The nealy endless number of possible combinations regarding dimensions, outlet height and discharge gear offers extreme flexibility..
The modular silo can be fitted, for example, with a discharge auger or a stirring unit.
Therefore also materials with low fluidity can be handled reliably.. Even pecial feed components like potato starch and corn mash can be stored in these silos without any problem.

Overview of our program (other sizes on request)

Typ Maße (m) Höhe (m) Volumen (m³) Trichter
100 1,05 x 1,05 1,27 – 4,79 3,4 45°/60°
125 1,30 x 1,30 1,39 – 5,91 6,9 45°/60°
150 1,55 x 1,55 1,57 – 5,09 8,2 45°/60°
200 2,05 x 2,05 1,80 – 5,32 15,4 45°/60°
250 2,55 x 2,55 2,05 – 7,09 34,4 45°/60°
300 3,00 x 3,00 2,30 – 11,77 89,3 45°/60°

Equipment variants and accessories
  • Modular- and Agrosilos with 45° and 60° hopper
  • rectangular modular silos
  • Modular silos with discharge augers
  • Cover
  • Feet extensions


For indoor installation we offer UV-stable, antistatic, flexible silos with steel frame or carrier frame in standard as well as special sizes. They conform to the explosion protection guideline ATEX.
Buschhoff-Silos excel by simple assembly and their cost-effectiveness in creating topquality storage space.

The conical bottom profile of these silos ensures easy discharge of materials, supplemented by the different discharge devices from our product range.

Standart equipment

  • Quadratischer Stahlrohrrahmen
  • Auslaufstutzen Ø350 mm
  • Silodeckel mit einem Füllstutzen und einem Entlüftungsstutzen von je Ø170 mm
Übersicht unseres Programmes (weitere Größen auf Anfrage)

Maße (m) Höhen (m) Inhalt (t) Auslaufhöhe (m)
1,32 x 1,32 2,80 – 5,10 1,3 – 3,2 0,80
1,65 x 1,65 3,00 – 5,30 2,1 – 5,3 0,80
1,95 x 1,95 3,00 – 5,80 2,7 – 8,2 0,80
2,23 x 2,23 3,20 – 4,40 3,8 – 7,0 0,80
2,25 x 2,25 4,80 – 5,80 8,0 – 10,6 0,80
2,56 x 2,56 3,80 – 5,50 6,5 – 12,5 0,80